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We all strive for our own results. But it is the team momentum of TRIBE Team Training™ that creates a dynamic environment for individual success.
Each TRIBE Team Training® program is delivered in a season. There are six new seasons developed and released every year. A member of TRIBE Team Training® will never repeat the same workout twice. This ensures our members achieve more than they ever thought possible. All TRIBE Team Training® programs are supported by the latest music, Coach education and Coach certification ensuring that members of the TRIBE community get nothing but the best team training experience and care available.
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“I recently have started TribeFIT™ and I Love it! At First I was scared and wasn’t sure if it was for me. I had been doing Boot camp and I was in my comfort zone and to step out was a big enough challenge. Although I had butterflies I was excited to go to the Trial week. After the help from my friend, the sweat and almost tears I completed my first 1 hour of TribeFIT™ (the longest hour) since then I haven’t looked back, I still get butterflies but it is all worth it. I told our Tribe Coach Dean that I hate being last and that it was my worst fear and now after 5 weeks I’m just glad to finish and if I’m last, I’m last. I know after each session I have done my best. I call our TribeFIT™ team “The Tribe Fit Family” we help each other right to the last second. They are great Support; I couldn’t do half the exercises without them. I have signed up for another season and I can’t wait for new the challenge. LOOK OUT TOUGH MUDDER!!!!!!!”
“I love TRIBE because of the results. I’ve never experience any training where the results were so quick and noticeable. There is definitely better muscle tone in my arms, shoulders, abs and glutes. I notice it and so does my hubby! My posture is better and I feel stronger – especially because I can do push-ups for the first time in my life!
I have returned to TRIBE time and time again because of the results, the team camaraderie and because Sharon is a great coach – encouraging, firm and always concerned about our overall health.”
“I got hooked on TRIBE after the first season. Every session was different and competitive. Prior to doing TRIBE, I was working out on my own but found it a chore. With TRIBE I feel like I get my butt kicked but want more. The thing that I benefit from most is the higher level of energy I now have.
I find that I am not worn down as early as I had been before I did your sessions. I like the high impact, high intensity and most importantly the functional exercises. I don’t feel like I am doing anything unnatural where I might hurt myself.
Personally I come back because the thought of doing anything else is dreadful and quite frankly, I just won’t do anything else but more importantly, it is still challenging.”
“I knew I had a weak core from having 3 children – but I had no idea how quick I could regain it with Kate in TribeCORE™! I have gotten so much stronger, toned and have definition and lost inches, which is awesome! I recommend this to anyone any age! Even if it’s the only exercise you will get great results!”
“I have been attending TribePUNCH™ for almost a year now, and it’s the best training I’ve ever done. The workouts are tough but fun, a challenge to both body and mind.
My TRIBE coach always keeps it interesting and is a great coach and a great motivator. I highly recommend you give TribePUNCH™ a go.”
“TribeLIFE™ has been a very challenging but very rewarding experience. I believe my shape has changed; I look more toned and feel a lot stronger. Even my daughter commented on my look. I recommend TribeLIFE™ to everyone. The one on one makes you word harder.”
“I am entering my 8th consecutive season of TRIBE. I still look forward to each workout and I can’t imagine not having it in my life now! Being accountable to your team and to your coach really keeps you focused and determined during your workouts.
I love the way that each season brings new challenges and new exercises. You won’t ever get bored! I am committed to pushing myself further and increasing my weights with each season. TRIBE has taught me to love push-ups! My overall fitness level was good before I started with TRIBE but these workouts have given me improved strength, endurance, energy and a stronger athletic physique. I can finally see the muscle definition in my core! I am also a runner. Since starting TRIBE, I have been able to run much longer distances without getting tired or feeling any pain afterwards.”
Roanna Tward, TribeLIFE™ member